CF Charlo Hombre
Lot Number:2
Start Time:3/13/2021 6:00:00 PM
Bid Count:0
Starting Bid:$1,500.00
Bid Increment:$100.00
Current Bid:$0.00
Bidding complete
Consigner Castera Farm, Romance, AR
Reg # 19675044
Birth Date 1/2/20
Sex Bull
Sire LCA Hombre 516
Maternal Grand Sire Gambles Hot Rod
Foot Notes His sire, LCA Hombre 516, was the high selling bull of the 2017 Duff Power Plus Bull Sale. Hombre enjoys the capacity and base width of his sire “Charlo” but is unusually upheaded, long necked, square hipped and athletic. This January yearling stems f rom a cow family highly favored in the Gamble Angus breeding program where most daughters of Bear MtnTM Forever Lady 8097 are kept in the herd. Maternal grandsire, Gambles Hot Rod is a now-deceased former NWSS and NAILE Grand Champion that had a legacy of producing show ring champions prior to his untimely death.
Additional Pictures 1
Reg # 19675044
Birth Date 1/2/20
Sex Bull
Sire LCA Hombre 516
Maternal Grand Sire Gambles Hot Rod
Foot Notes His sire, LCA Hombre 516, was the high selling bull of the 2017 Duff Power Plus Bull Sale. Hombre enjoys the capacity and base width of his sire “Charlo” but is unusually upheaded, long necked, square hipped and athletic. This January yearling stems f rom a cow family highly favored in the Gamble Angus breeding program where most daughters of Bear MtnTM Forever Lady 8097 are kept in the herd. Maternal grandsire, Gambles Hot Rod is a now-deceased former NWSS and NAILE Grand Champion that had a legacy of producing show ring champions prior to his untimely death.
Additional Pictures 1
No donations for this lot
This is the 114th sale of the Heart of the Ozarks Angus Association.
Thirty breeders from Missouri, Arkansas, Kansas and Mississippi have consigned quite an offering for your appraisal:
36 Registered Angus Bulls - 7 Registered Angus Fall Pairs - 12 Registered Angus Spring Pairs - 8 Registered Angus Bred Cows - 12 Registered Angus Bred Heifers
19 Registered Angus Open Heifers - 1 Embryo Package
With ninety-five lots that total one-hundred and thirteen head, it is sure to be a great day to join us!
Date: Saturday, March 13th, 2021
Live Auction Start Time: 12:30 p.m.
Pre-bidding End Time: 3/13/2021 8:00 AM
Location: Ozark Regional Stockyards, West Plains, MO 65775
West Plains, Missouri
United States
United States